Metal and Acrylic Laminated Letters & Logos have changed the sign industry for the better. Although these options have been around for a while, they became both popular and affordable with the advent of the CNC router. As your wholesale sign fabricator we always aim to provide the best options for you and your client. At Elite Letters & Logos we offer a wide variety of finishing options for Metal and Acrylic Laminated Letters & Logos. Let’s have a look at how laminated signs are fabricated, what are their benefits and which types we offer.

How are Metal and Acrylic Laminated Letters fabricated?
As many signs, the fabrication of metal and acrylic laminated letters & logos start out as a 4’x 8’ or 5’x 10’ sheet of material. This can either be PVC, acrylic or gator foam, which is available in different thicknesses. This will then be laminated with the required finish, brushed aluminum is amongst the most popular types of finishing option. After the laminate is glued on the substrate, the sign will be routed in our CNC router as per the artwork provided.
After the laminated letters are routed, they are not finished yet. Depending on the material used, the edges will be sanded for a smooth finish. Furthermore at Elite Letters & Logos we provide the option of painted edges. The returns can either be painted to match the laminate, or a different color to highlight the returns.
Depending on the thickness and the substrate material, laminated letters & logos can be installed with double sided tape or stud mounted (with & without spacers). As your wholesale sign manufacturer we take care of the mounting as well, including the installation pattern.

Benefits of Laminated Letters
The primary benefit of Metal and Acrylic Laminated Letters & Logos is the cost factor. Brushed aluminum laminated letters are more cost effective opposed to solid aluminum letters. Although at Elite Letters & Logos we recommend laminated signs primarily for interior use. Laminated letters are a great solution for wall signs & lobby signs and solid aluminum letters might be considered overkill.
Another important benefit of laminated letters is the wide variety of finishing options. From wood grain laminates, to polished aluminum and satin gold, the options are endless. Check out our resources page for our Metal Laminate Chart and Formica Finishes.
Types of Laminated Letters & Logos
As briefly mentioned, we offer several types of laminated letters & logos. The substrate can be fabricated out of PVC, Acrylic or Gatorfoam. All materials are available in different thicknesses, ranging from 1/8” thick (PVC & Acrylic) to 2” thick (PVC & Gatorfoam).
All substrates can be laminated with either a metal laminate, acrylic laminate or a Formica laminate, depending on the look you are trying to achieve. At Elite Letters & Logos we divided laminated letters & logos into 3 categories.
- Acrylic Laminate on Foam or PVC
- Metal Laminate on Foam, Acrylic or PVC
- Formica Finishes on Acrylic or PVC

Elite Letters & Logos: your Wholesale Sign Fabricator
As your wholesale sign manufacturer in Florida, we are dedicated to assist with all your dimensional letters & logos request, providing the highest quality signs. Do you have any further questions about laminated letters & logos? Do not hesitate to contact us and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours. Call us at (561) 296.9798 or fill in the contact form below.